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Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipod

Gabriel Dumitru, The app needs seriously to be revised! Doesn’t work so smooth as it used to be once upon a timeIt used to work soft and promptly, but now it rather works slow and laggy. As an example, when I exit the app in order to copy anything that I wanna translate, by turning back to the app I see that it takes several seconds until the next phrases that I wanna translate can be introduced in the blank. And it’s like 85% of the time doing like so. So I think the optimization must be revised. But I trust you, you are my favorite app and I promote you over all the other linguistic apps, because no one reached your level till now! In this Globalized World, the need for an efficient and effective digital vocabulary is more important than ever, so don’t run away from the responsibility and DO IT THE BEST as it should be, cause you are The Best!

Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipod 3

Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipod

Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipod 2

Ancalupes, Needs more teachingYou have to teach the app to make the difference between words with spaces between them and plain words. Example: I gave it the word ‘stiuca’ in Romanian (which is a fish, translated in English: pike) and asked to be translated in English and I got ‘I know that’. The problem was that ‘stiu ca’ (two words) in Romanian means ‘I know that’ in English. But the right English translation of ‘stiuca’ (one word) is ‘pike’. Anyway - thanks for the good laugh! I am still using GT all the time but it still needs lots of word learning (the other day I couldn’t get some word translated from German to English or Romanian. And it wasn’t rocket science!).